Technical data: | |
Engine: | |
Fundamental data: | water-cooled single-cylinder four-stroke engine with large flywheel, mounted horizontally at the rear. |
Bore x stroke: | 90 x 150 mm |
Displacement: | 954 cc |
Compression ratio: | 1: 2.7 |
Power output: | 0.75 hp at 400 rpm |
Design: | Horizontal single-cylinder engine with horizontal flywheel; charge exchange via inlet slide controlled by eccentric rod, and vertical outlet valve controlled by cam disc, rocker arm and push rod; mixture formation in Benz surface carburetor; evaporator cooling (Thermosyphon); lubrication via drip oiler with grease box; high-voltage electric buzzer ignition; engine is started by rotating the flywheel. |
Running gear: | Steel tube frame; front axle on steering fork without springs; rear suspension on rigid axle with full elliptical spring; rack and pinion steering, steering crank in middle of vehicle, no foot brake, hand brake applied to countershaft pulley; wheels: wire spoke wheels, diameter front 730 mm, rear 1125 mm, solid rubber tires at front and rear. |
Power transmission: | 1 flat belt from engine to countershaft with idling and fixed discs and integrated differential, 1 chain from countershaft to each of the two rear wheels. |
Transmission/shifting: | Transfer of belt between idling and fixed discs. |
Top speed: | 16 km/h |
Fuel consumption: | approx. 10 litres/100 km (24 mpg) |
Dimensions and weight: | |
Wheelbase: | 1450 mm |
Track width: | 1190 mm |
Length: | 2700 mm |
Width: | 1400 mm |
Height: | 1450 mm |
Tare weight: | 265 kg |

Where does the EXTRA man come from ?

The red arrow in the photo below is pointing to a huge truck.

Kimberley Big Hole - South Africa apparently the largest ever hand-dug excavation in the world, this 1097 metre deep mine yielded over 3 tonnes of diamonds before being closed in 1914.

The amount of earth removed by workers is estimated to total 22.5 million tonnes.

Glory Hole - Monticello Dam - A glory hole is used when a dam is at full capacity and water needs to be drained from the resevoir.

This is the glory hole belonging to monticello dam in california and it's the largest in the world, its size enabling it to consume 14400 cubic feet of water every second.

The hole can be seen at the top middle of the photo above. if you were to jump in for some reason your slightly damp body would shoot out near the bottom of the dam (below).

Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah, this is supposedly the largest man-made excavation on earth. extraction began in 1863 and still continues today, the pit increasing in size constantly. in its current state the hole is 3/4 mile deep and 2.5 miles wide.

Great Blue Hole, Belize situated 60 miles off the mainland of belize is this incredible geographical phenomenon known as a blue hole. there are numerous blue holes around the world but none as stunning as this one.

at surface level the near perfectly circular hole is 1/4 mile wide, the depth in the middle reaching 145 metres. obviously the hole is a huge hit with divers. read more here.

Diavik Mine, Canada this incredible mine can be found 300km northeast of YellowKnife in Canada.

The mine is so huge and the area so remote that it even has its own airport with a runway large enough to accomodate a boeing 737. it also looks equally as cool when the surrounding water is frozen.

Sinkhole, Guatemala - a sinkhole is caused when water (usually rainwater or sewage) is soaked up by the earth on a large scale, resulting in the ground collapsing.

These photos are of a Sinkhole which occured early this year in Guatemala. The hole swallowed a dozen homes and killed at least 3 people.

Officials blamed the monster of a hole on a ruptured sewage pipe.

Crew: 1
Length: 14 ft 10 in (4.5 m)
Wingspan: 21 ft 1 in (6.4 m)
Height: 8 ft 3 in (2.5 m)
Wing area: 90 ft² (8.3 m²)
Empty weight: 3,740 lb (1,696 kg)
Loaded weight: 4,550 lb (2,063 kg)
Max takeoff weight: lb (kg)
Powerplant: 1× Westinghouse XJ34-WE-22 turbojet, 3,000 lbf (13.3 kN)
Performance :-
Maximum speed: 664 mph (1,069 km/h)
Service ceiling 48,000 ft (14,630 m)
Rate of climb: 12,500 ft/min (3,810 m/min)
Wing loading: 51 lb/ft² (247 kg/m²)
Thrust/weight: 0.66
Armament :-
4x 0.50 in (12.7 mm) M2 Browning machine gun
This unusual fighter plane McDonnell XF-85 Goblin was designed to meet a USAAF requirement for a single-seat "parasite" escort fighter that could be carried by a large bomber. Development of two prototypes was ordered in March 1947. The resulting design was entirely the product of design constraints, which required it to fit into the bomb bay of a B-36 (although it was actually tested under a B-29). The B-36 was the intended mother ship that would carry as many as three Goblins.
A tiny, short fuselage was fitted with low/mid-set foldable swept wings, of 21 ft 1.5 in (6.44 m) span. It was powered by a Westinghouse J34-WE-7 turbojet, of 3,000 lb. (1,361 kg) thrust. There was no landing gear except for emergency skids. The fighter was intended to return to the parent aircraft and dock with a trapeze, by means of a retracting hook.
Abraham Lincoln

John F Kennedy

Check this out....

Where does the EXTRA man come from ?


Katie Laurence writes to us:
"This road is made from a very narrow cut in the middle of a sheer cliff face. The large tourist buses go along it, and it's so narrow that if two vehicles have to pass each other, one vehicle might have to reverse for anything up to 3 kilometres of winding narrow road to get to a place wide enough to pass. It is the SCARIEST road you could imagine..."

Jorn Olsen works for the Dutton-Lainson Co. in Hastings, Nebraska, and lives by Heartwell Park next to Hastings College . The other night he took these photos . The stadium lights are at the Hastings College stadium just east of his home.
The clouds are called Mammatus clouds . They do not precede a tornado, or foretell a storm, but are formed when the air is already saturated with rain droplets and/or ice crystals and begins to sink. The worst of the storm is usually over when these kinds of clouds are seen.
They are quite rare, but really beautiful.


Green Ray - Also known as the Green Flash. This occurs very briefly before total sunset and after sunrise. It appears as a green flash above the sun that lasts very briefly, generally only a few moments. It is caused by refraction of light in the atmosphere.

Haloes - Like rainbows, haloes are formed around the Sun due to moisture (in this case ice crystals) being refracted from the Sun’s rays in the upper atmosphere. Sometimes two or more areas of the circle or arcs surrounding the Sun will be brighter, forming what are called Sun Dogs. Haloes can also form around the Moon, and occasionally around the brighter stars and planets like Venus.

Mammatus Clouds - These odd-shaped clouds are often associated with a storm front, especially one involving a thunderstorm. It's not completely understood how they form.

Pyrocumulus Clouds - Another heat related phenomenon, pyrocumulus clouds form from the fast and intense heating of an area to create convecture, which in turn creates a cumulous cloud. Volcanoes, forest fires, and nuclear explosion (in the form of a mushroom cloud) are all prime causes of pyrocumulus clouds.

Moon Bows - A rainbow is caused by the Sun shining on moisture droplets, most commonly in a post-rain atmosphere. A moon bow is much rarer, only seen at night when the moon is low and full to almost full. One popular place to see moon bows is at Cumberland Falls in Kentucky.

Lord Venkateshwara Temple, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Malibu Hindu Temple, Malibu, California, United States
Shiva-Vishnu Temple, Livermore, California, United States
Lord Vishnu Temple, Angkor, Cambodia - The largest temple of the world, raised during the reign of Suryavarman - II in 12th century, is, in fact, located in Angkor, a major archaeological site of Cambodia. It is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. It is also one of the two temples intact in Angkor, Cambodia. The other is a Buddhist Temple. The largest temple of Lord Vishnu in Angkor is built according to Khmer architecture, original to Cambodia..
Prambanan Shiva Temple, Central Java, Indonesia
Sri Venkateswara Swami Temple of Greater Chicago - Aurora, Illinois, United States
BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir - Toronto, Canada
Sri Siva Vishnu Temple, Washington DC, United States
BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, London (Neasden Temple), United States
Sri Murugan Temple Batu Caves, Penang, Malaysia
Sri Venkateswara Temple, Bridgewater, NJ, United States
Mother Temple of Besakih, Bali, Indonesia
Murugan Temple, Sydney, Australia
Sri Venkateswara Swami Temple, Helensburgh, Sydney, Australia
Velmurugan Gnana Muneeswarar Temple, Rivervale Crescent Sengkang, Singapore
Sri Meenakshi Devasthanam - Pearland, Texas, United States
Ekta Mandir, Irving, Texas, United States
Sri Venkateshwara Temple - New Jersey, United States
Sri Lakshmi Temple - Ashland, MA, United States
Sri Venkateswara Swami Temple, Pittsburgh, United States
Shiva Vishnu Temple of South Florida Inc, FL, United States
Shiva - Vishnu Temple of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Sri Murugan Temple, London, United Kingdom
Sri Prasanna Venkateswara Swami Temple, Memphis, Tennessee, United States

More than likely you said, "A bird in the bush," and.........
if this IS what YOU said, then you failed to see that the word THE is repeated twice!
Sorry, look again.
Next, let's play with some words.
What do you see?
In black you can read the word GOOD, in white the word EVIL (inside each black letter is a white letter). It's all very physiological too, because it visualizes the concept that good can't exist without evil (or the absence of good is evil).
Now, what do you see?
You may not see it at first, but the white spaces read the word optical, the blue landscape reads the word illusion. Look again! Can you see why this painting is called an optical illusion?
What do you see here?
This one is quite tricky!
The word TEACH reflects as LEARN.
Last one.
What do you see?
You probably read the word ME in brown, but....... when you look through ME you will see YOU!
Do you need to look again?
Test Your Brain
This is really cool. The second one is amazing so please read all the way though.
Count every " F " in the following text:
WRONG, THERE ARE 6 -- no joke.
Really, go back and try to find the 6 F's before you scroll down.
The reasoning behind is further down.
The brain cannot process "OF".
Three is normal, four is quite rare.
Send this to your friends.
It will drive them crazy, and keep them occupied for several minutes!
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,
it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
if you can raed tihs psas it on!!

Glass Restaurant Picture No 1
Glass Restaurant Picture No 2
Glass Restaurant Picture No 3
Glass Restaurant Picture No 4
Glass Restaurant Picture No 5
Glass Restaurant Picture No 6

Glass Restaurant Picture No 7

Lyre bird Pictures

The Auckland Islands Marine Reserve protects an area 300 miles south of New Zealand’s South Island, where these two robust southern rights are part of a recovering population thought to include more than 1,000 whales.

Scars on this adult in the Bay of Fundy likely resulted from entanglement in fishing gear that cut through the skin.

Trawling with open mouth along the surface of Cape Cod Bay, a North Atlantic right whale feeds on the move. Water flowing into its mouth carries tens of thousands of copepods—crustaceans each about the size of a grain of rice—toward the sieve-like plates of baleen, which strain them out as the water flows back into the bay.

Signature V-shaped plumes of spray shoot from a North Atlantic right whale in the Bay of Fundy. The whale exhales, clearing water from the opening of its dual blowholes, then draws in air.

A calf's open jaws reveal a pink soft palate that releases excess body heat, and a hanging sieve of baleen that strains tiny prey from the sea. Unique to right whales, rough skin callosities develop in patterns that identify individuals as clearly as fingerprints.

A female gets a playful bump from her new calf in warm shallows near Florida's Amelia Island. North Atlantic right whale mothers give birth and spend winters off the south Georgia–north Florida coast.

Far from busy ship lanes, a 40-foot southern right whale swims in safety near the remote Auckland Islands.

Coca-Cola Powered Nokia Mobile Phone


Plane Crash
Breaths Through Coke
Crocodile with a man
Duck flies
Good to See
Heavy rainfall
A lady in the rain
Amazing Bird
Amazing Jump
Amazing Kiss

Labels: Amazing Cycles, Amusing Cycles

This is actually an on-the-ceiling poster in the smoking room at an IT firm in India.

The famous Hopewell Rocks at low tide. (Source)

The famous Hopewell Rocks at high tide. (Source)
The bay's extreme tides create a dynamic marine ecosystem. Aside from extreme tidal effects - vertical, horizontal, rapids and tidal bores, it is also renown for its coastal rock formations and sustainable coastal development. It is also a critical international feeding ground for migratory birds, a vibrant habitat for rare and endangered Right whales, one of the world’s most significant plant and animal fossil discovery regions.

Bay of Fundy's tide level. (Source)
Bay of Fundy is one of North America’s top ten nature tourism destination. Every year, an average of 1 million nature tourists come to this place to experience the tides.

Tourists watching the beginning of high tide. (Source)

Gad Cliff to St. Alban's Head (Source)
Jurassic Coast was named so because the area consists of Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous cliffs, spanning the Mesozoic Era which documents 180 million years of geological history which scientists called geological "walk through time".
The Jurassic limestones on the Isle of Portland which was extensively quarried (Source)
The site contains unique geological features and excellent examples of different landforms. Some of the famous is the natural arch at Durdle Door, the cove and limestone folding at Lulworth Cove and an island, the Isle of Portland. Chesil Beach is a fine example of both a tombolo and a storm beach.

The Durdle Door, a natural limestone arch on the Jurassic Coast (Source)

Panoramic view of the Ngorongoro Crater (Source)
When it was active some 2.5 million years ago, Ngorongoro volcano was one of the world's tallest mountains. After a major eruption, it's volcanic cone collapsed inward leaving the present vast, unbroken caldera as its chief remnant and a flat plain area.

Ngorongoro Crater Map (Source)
The Ngorongoro Crater floor is predominantly open grassland and is haven to a diverse array of animals including elephants, black rhinoceroses, leopards, buffalo, zebras, warthogs, wildebeests, Grant’s and Thomson’s gazelles, and the densest population of lions in the world.

Panoramic view of the Ngorongoro Crater (Source)
The local Masai people also graze their livestock in the crater. Some villagers don't like to be taken pictures, others ask money from tourist in exchange of pictures.

Masai family in Ngorongoro (Source)
When a lodge was built on its rim in the 1930s, large numbers of tourists began visiting the caldera. Since the region’s incorporation into the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in 1959, additional lodges have been built.

Tourists taking pictures from Ngorongoro Wildlife Lodge(Source)
Blue water of the Dead Sea (Source)
The Dead Sea is 420 metres below sea level and its shores are the lowest point on Earth that are on dry land. With 30 percent salinity, it is 8.6 times saltier than the ocean. In times of drought, to salinity climb to 35 percent.

Salt deposit in the shores of Dead See (Source)
Because of it's salinity, the Dead Sea is famous among tourists because one can float in it without using a life vest. The famous trick is to float and read a book.

Tourist floating in the Dead Sea (Source)
The Dead Sea's salt content is due to it's location. Being the lowest point on Earth, during wet season, minerals flow to it's basin. This has been happening for millions of year, thus the water became concentrated with minerals including salt.]]>
Near the entrance of the cave (Source)
It has a river flowing through it and and so traveling through the cave is mostly done by boats. In the summer of 2001, a German/British expedition surveyed the cave to be 11 kilometers long. The main chamber of the cave is 100 meters by 50 meters and 40 meters high.

Rental boats and tourists (Source)
Ali Sadr cave is situated between the large cities in Hamedan, Tehran and Zanjan making it a popular destination for Iranians and foreign tourists.

Rock wall (Source)
The cave was originally discovered during the reign of Darius I (521-485 BC) which can be verified by an old inscription at the entrance of the tunnel. However, the knowledge of the existence of the tunnel was lost, and only rediscovered in 1978 when a local shepherd followed the tunnel searching for water or a lost goat.

The lion-elephant rock (Source)
Map of Mekong River. Source:
Because of it's massive size, no wonder Mekong is home to the world's giant freshwater fishes. This giants are now becoming small in number due to human activities.

Giant catfish of Mekong River. Source:

Giant of barb Mekong River. Source:
The name "MEKONG" originate from the Thai language, Mae Nam Khong, which means "Mother-River Khong".

Evening in the Mekong River. Source:
Mekong river serves as a major transportation and economic route to all villages around it.

Market in the Mekong River. Source:

Two boats in the Mekong River. Source:


Looking into the crater from the north rim. The rust colored area on the far (south) rim is where the last mining for the meteorite occurred in 1929 and is believed to be the site of the bulk of the meteorite.

The meteor crater is large enough to be seen from outer space.

]]>Within a few weeks of signing the papers on their dream home, strange things started to occur. Lights and household appliances began to turn on and off, and they heard what sounded like people running across their roof. At night, the couple could hear orchestra music playing and chains rattling. Their sons complained of shadowy figures and odd lights in their room, too.
The entire family began to suffer with burning eyes and throats from untraceable chemical odors. Steve Lee quickly decided someone was playing tricks to spook them from their new home, so he decided to fight back. He installed a video surveillance security system with motion detectors to retaliate. However, the system would sound alarms when no one was around.
There were also sixty-two unexplainable break-ins at the property. The local sheriff’s department opened an investigation in early 1993 but could never find evidence of any crime. Steve noticed that security photos and videos had odd streaks of light in them, and faces even appeared on some. He purchased a variety of cameras and continued to capture unexplainable light phenomena such as beams, floating balls, and glowing outlines of humans and animals. Steve and Beth finally relented that some paranormal phenomenon might be responsible for the unexplained events. When 1995 rolled around, they contacted the “Sightings” television show for help.
A film crew was dispatched to their home and documented what the Lees had reported. Popular ghost buster, Echo Bodine, accompanied the film crew and immediately identified what she claimed was the presence of a threatening male spirit in the living room. Thermal imaging cameras captured the ghost, and Bodine said it considered the home to be his. Bodine said she felt the presence of numerous spirits, and the house had a monumental level of paranormal activity.
While the film crew was there, cameras flipped off their tripods and fell to the floor for no apparent reason. While Beth Lee and Echo Bodine were sitting at the kitchen table talking, Beth felt something trying to hold her down, and a member of the film crew claimed she felt a spirit go into her in what she believed was an effort to take over her body.
When the “Sightings” crew returned several months later, they brought along psychic investigator, Peter James. Upon his arrival, he sensed a powerful psychic energy vortex and ultimately felt that a closet on the second floor was the gateway to the “other side.” A nearby mirror frequently reflected apparitions and floating faces and James believed those were spirits searching for the life they once had. Many pictures of the mirror were enhanced and showed countless faces gazing back.
A Hopi shaman claimed the area is a “rainbow vortex,” one of just a few psychic energy spots on earth that supposedly connects this world with the next. Scientists, electromagnetic experts, quantum physicists, and the best paranormal researchers in the country have been to the Lee home, and all agree it is a very active site. Some believe an energy coming from under the house is responsible for the activity.
In more recent years, it has been reported that Robert and Beth Lee came to accept their home as it is and have consistently declined any offers of further investigation. They are reported to have said they wish to live quietly and raise their family in peace now.
This project is also sometimes known as “Project Rainbow.”
The Philadelphia Experiment was a historical and alleged naval experiment conducted by the US military at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard that was located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
In the United States towards the middle of World War II on October 28th, 1943. During this experiment, the United States Naval Destroyer battleship escort known as the USS Eldridge was aimed to be rendered entirely optically invisible to any and all human observers for a short period of time.
For a long time, this experiment was largely thought to be a hoax because the thought of making something optically invisible was something that had previously been born entirely out of science fiction literature. The United States Navy still maintains that there was never an experiment to try and make something invisible. The details of this story are heavily contradicted by the well-established facts about the USS Eldridge. Though, despite the government’s assurances that the Philadelphia Experiment never occurred, it has still raised some serious conspiracy theories around the United States as well as in some venues around the globe that specialize in the validation or study of certain thought conspiracies. Though the Philadelphia Experiment may never be confirmed, it is still the subject of much speculation and criticism by numerous groups.
The story has several different accounts since no record of its existence has ever been confirmed by documentation, but the major belief is this; the experiment was supposed to be based on a certain aspect of the unified field theory, a term that was originally coined by Albert Einstein. This theory aims primarily to describe physically and mathematically the interrelated nature of the natural forces that comprise both gravity and electromagnetic radiation. However, this theory remains just that, a theory, and it has never been fully proven to be an absolute truth.
According to the accounts of the story, scientists believed that some version of the unified field theory could enable the Navy to utilize huge electronic generators that could bend the light around a specific object so that it would no longer reflect light, but refract it, causing it to appear invisible. The Navy was thought to be attempting these experiments because optical invisibility would be an invaluable tool against the United States’ opponents in the war. Thus, it allegedly sponsored this experiment.
According to most accounts, the naval experiments succeeded to some degree during the summer tests of 1943. During a test on July 22 of 1943, it is thought that the Navy was able to render an object almost entirely invisible, though it was reported to emit some kind of green fog around the area.
However, once the ship was brought back into optical sight, there were numerous anomalies surrounding the ship including some ship mates being embedded in the metal sides and structures of the ship. One sailor even reportedly ended up a full deck level below where he was before the experiment.
Because of this controversial occurrence after the Philadelphia Experiment, it was thought to be kept silent for liability reasons by the government. Furthermore, the scientific community states that there is still no confirmed applied variant of the unified field theory, thus supposedly disproving the existence of the Philadelphia Experiment at all. Though there have been some experiments stating that certain “cloaks” or single person fields may be worn that apply some aspects of the unified field theory, there is no evidence that anything larger than a human could be rendered entirely invisible no matter how much displacement of light was achieved. Though it has never been proven, there are still beliefs that the Philadelphia Experiment existed.
Was the Titanic Tragedy Foretold by a Book Written 14 Years Before?
Perhaps one of the strangest cases of foreshadowing the world has ever known was a novel written in 1898 by Morgan Robertson about a ship called Titan that crashes into an iceberg. And, of course, in 1912, the RMS Titanic crashed into an iceberg as well. Although the novel was written as a work of fiction, it strangely foretold the events of what would come to be one of the most famous disasters of all time.
The novel, which was originally titled Futility, was later changed to Wreck of the Titan. The similarities between the fictional Titan and the real life Titanic are very eerie. For instance, both ships met their fate in the North Atlantic in April by running into an iceberg. Neither ship had enough lifeboats on board, which resulted in the deaths of over 2,000 people. Both were the largest ships in the world and were wrongly believed to be “unsinkable”.
Also very strange are the sailing routes. The Titan was sailing from New York to England, while the Titanic’s route was from England to New York. Both ended up meeting with disaster in the same part of the sea. They were also both traveling at around the same speed, and had the same number of propellers and masts. The Titan had an accident with another ship, and the Titanic nearly collided with the New York but fortunately didn’t hit it.
There are also a few differences between the two ships. The Titanic only bumped or scraped against the iceberg on a clear night, while the Titan runs right into an iceberg on a very foggy night. The Titanic also had more survivors than the fictional ship did. The Titanic sank during her maiden voyage, while the Titan had already been on several.
All of this about the Titan occurred during the first half of the novel, and the second half chronicles the adventures of the heroic main character, John Rowland. He was a drunkard who was dismissed from the Royal Navy, and worked on the Titan as a ship hand. During the second half of the book, he goes through a number of adventures, including a fight with a polar bear. He’s eventually saved by a passing ship and works his way up again in society.
While it’s an exciting read altogether, the fate of the Titan is what draws most people into this novel. Could there be a paranormal reason why this book is so eerily similar to an incident that occurred 14 years LATER? Or are the differences between the fictional ship and Titanic enough to make it nothing more than a strange coincidence?

F-22 Raptor is a stealth fighter aircraft made by the United States. It was originally envisioned as air superiority fighter for use against Soviet aircraft, but the aircraft is equipped for ground attack, electronic warfare and signals intelligence. This aircraft through a long development period, is named the prototype YF-22, three years before it was officially adopted F/A-22 named, and finally given the name of the F-22A when used on the official start in December 2005. Lockheed Martin Aeronautics is the prime contractor is responsible for the majority of the airframe, weapons, and assembling the F-22. Then his partner, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems provides the wings, avionics equipment, and pilot and maintenance training.
9. Safeco Field – Seattle, USA ($ 656 million)
8. Lucas Oil Stadium – Indianapolis, USA ($ 675 million)
7. Soldier Field – Chicago, USA ($ 714 million)
6. The Emirates Stadium – London, England ($ 770 million)
5. Roger Center – Toronto, Canada ( $ 930 million)
4. State de France – Paris, France ( $ 974 million)
3. Madison square garden – New York, USA ($ 1.1 billion)
2. Olympic Stadium – Montreal, Canada ($ 1.4 billion)
1. Wembley Stadium – London, England ($ 1.5 billion)
For all of you who loves football sport, do you interested to visit one of the most expensive stadiums above to watch your favorite clubs?
Toothpaste even though (in some form or another) has been around as long as the Ancient Greeks have, the formula (as we know it) did not become popular until World War I. As soon as companies began manufacturing toothpaste, people began to purchase the magical concoction - guaranteed to produce glistening teeth! White teeth were all the rage after World War I had ended, and toothpaste quickly became a product that most people simply couldn't live without.
Toothpaste is one item that nearly everyone uses today, but what makes this concoction so special? Whether you brush your teeth once per day or three times per day, chances are that you've never taken the time to read that ingredient list. Some believe that the ingredients contained in a standard package of toothpaste are essential - others believe that water may be just as effective. In the end, there's a good reason why most toothpaste packages warn: "Do Not Ingest!"
10. Formaldehyde
That same ingredient that coroners can't live without can be found inside of your toothpaste tube. Formaldehyde kills all of those small bacteria that climb onto your teeth after eating or sleeping. If a large amount of formaldehyde is accidentally ingested, the result could be fatal. Severe formaldehyde ingestion results in jaundice, kidney damage, liver damage, and death.
9. Detergent
Foam, suds, activation! What would toothpaste be without that satisfying soapy feeling? Manufacturers use regular detergent in order to appease the masses that prefer bubbly toothpaste. While bubbles may be fun, be careful if you accidentally ingest a large amount of this stuff - swallowing detergent can cause digestive tract burning.
8. Seaweed
Stretchy and slimy, seaweed holds that paste together. Without this green stuff, toothpaste would simply fall apart! The good news is that seaweed isn't toxic. Infact, seaweed has a number of nutritional benefits, though hitting the sushi bar is a better way of gaining those benefits.
7. Peppermint Oil
Minty, minty, minty! Fresh breath can only be kept fresh with the help of peppermint oil! While refreshing when brushing your teeth using toothpaste, peppermint oil can cause a slow pulse, heartburn, and muscle tremors if it is consumed.
6. Paraffin
As slick as the petroleum that it is derived from, paraffin creates a smooth paste that oozes onto your toothbrush using toothpaste. As you might imagine, paraffin wasn't meant to be eaten. If you happen to swallow this ingredient, you may end up with abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and severe constipation.
5. Glycerin Glycol
Never heard of this ingredient before? Sure about that? Glycerin glycol is added to toothpaste in order to prevent the paste from becoming too dry – it's also found in antifreeze. Even though glycerin is not toxic, this additive may cause nausea if swallowed.
4. Chalk
That's right - chalk. Thanks to the fact that chalk is made from exoskeletons, it's hard enough to remove all of that caked on gunk from your pearly whites. Chalk dust may cause lung problems if inhaled via toothpaste, and swallowing a bit of chalk could cause bleeding.
3. Titanium Dioxide
This is another common toothpaste ingredient, though it's usually found in white paint. When added to toothpaste, titanium dioxide has the safe effect on your teeth as it does on walls - it keeps them nice and white (for a few hours, at least!). Ingesting titanium dioxide won't hurt you, but it isn't recommended either.
2. Saccharin
Something has to combat that terrible detergent taste! Saccharin is sweet, but not too sweet - just the way that most people like their toothpaste! Saccharin has been a hot topic of debate every since Theodore Roosevelt was in the White House. The USDA tried to ban the substance in 1972, though it is considered "safe" to ingest today.
1. Menthol
One last ingredient to add a minty note to your breath. Without menthol, toothpaste might taste like, well, chalk, glycerin, paraffin, detergent, titanium dioxide, and seaweed! Go ahead and ingest menthol if you like, but sipping some tea containing menthol is a far better idea than chewing on your tube of toothpaste.
01. Cabazon Dinosaurs, Cabazon, California
Climb to the top of a life-size Tyrannosaurus rex for an up-close view of its teeth at this real-world Jurassic park. Purchase souvenirs at a museum shop located inside Ms. Dinny, a 150-ton Apatosaurus considered the largest concrete dino in the world.
02. Carhenge, Alliance, Nebraska
Circling a patch of lonesome prairie, 38 old cars painted gray form a replica of England’s Stonehenge. Additional sculptures made from Detroit iron include “Ford Seasons,” representing seasonal changes to the landscape.
03. Enchanted Highway, Regent, North Dakota
Seven sensational scrap metal sculptures line this 32-mile stretch of highway in southwest North Dakota, including artist Gary Greff’s massive “Geese in Flight,” listed in the Guinness World Records as the world’s largest scrap metal sculpture.
04. Hole n’ the Rock, Moab, Utah
Walk through a modern cave home with 14 furnished rooms carved out of Utah sandstone. If the excavation, which removed 50,000 cubic feet of stone, doesn’t move you, take in the petting zoo.
05. Lucy the Elephant, Margate, New Jersey
America’s oldest example of zoomorphic architecture, this 130-year-old, 65-foot pachyderm is actually a building that once served as a summer cottage. Lumber up the spiral stairs to Lucy’s towering howdah for elephantine views of the Atlantic Ocean.
06. Randy’s Donuts, Inglewood, California
This towering donut, built in 1952, has earned celeb status by appearing in films (Mars Attacks!), videos (Randy Newman’s “I Love L.A.”), and Hollywood dreams of sweet treats.
07. Paul Bunyan, Minnesota and More
America’s most famous mythical lumberjack, capable of felling entire forests with his powerful ax, has a long reach. There are monumental statues of Bunyan in Akeley, Minnesota; Bangor, Maine, and Portland, Oregon. His trusty sidekick, Babe the Blue Ox, gets in on the action with colossal statues in Klamath, California, and Bemidji, Minnesota
08. Foamhenge, Natural Bridge, Virginia
Even a Druid would feel at home at this stoic Stonehenge replica, set on a tufted hillside in the Shenandoah Valley. Baffling perhaps, but the towering industrial foam blocks make for a mystical roadside diversion.
09. The Corn Palace, North Main Street., Mitchell, South Dakota
Mitchell, South Dakota may be a small town, but it sure has a lot of one thing: corn. So in 1892 when the town was trying to lure more farmers to their corn-friendly state, they decided to build a castle in honor of the starchy veggie. The Corn Palace started as a simple wooden structure on Mitchell’s main drag, decorated with folk art made from corn husks and kernels. Today this “palace” still exists, and has had a pretty interesting evolution from the initial building.
The exterior of the Corn Palace is decorated every year with a new theme by local artists and the building serves as huge tourist attractions, bringing in half a million visitors a year.
10. Cadillac Ranch, Amarillo, Texas
Created in 1974 by a group of artists, this graffiti-spattered homage to American road travel breaks the dusty Texas horizon with the force of an 18-wheeler. The ten half-buried roadsters, slanted in a perfect row into an Amarillo cow pasture, have been featured in movies and referenced in songs.
1. Tragedy of Omayra Sanchez (Frank Fourier)
Frank Fournier captured the tragic image of Omayra Sanchez trapped in mud and collapsed buildings. The eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano in Colombia 1985 triggered a massive mudslide. It devastated towns and killed 25,000 people.
After 3 days of struggling, Omayra died due to hypothermia and gangrene. Her tragic death accentuated the failure of officials to respond quickly and save the victims of Colombia’s worst ever natural disaster. Frank Fournier took this photo shortly before Omayra died. Her agonizing death was followed live on TV by hundreds of millions of people around the world and started a major controversy.
2. Operation Lion Heart (Deanne Fitzmaurice)
Pulitzer Prize award winning photojournalist Deanne Fitzmaurice won the highly respected award in 2005 for the photographic essay “Operation Lion Heart.”
“Operation Lion Heart” is the story of a 9-year-old Iraqi boy who was severely injured by an explosion during one of the most violent conflicts of modern history – the Iraq War. The boy was brought to a hospital in Oakland, CA where he had to undergo dozens of life-and-death surgeries. His courage and unwillingness to die gave him the nickname: Saleh Khalaf, “Lion Heart”.
Deanne Fitzmaurice’s shocking photographs ran in the San Francisco Chronicle in a five-part series written by Meredith May.
3. Bhopal Gas Tragedy 1984 (Pablo Bartholomew)
Pablo Bartholomew is an acclaimed Indian photojournalist who captured the Bhopal Gas Tragedy into his lens. Twenty-six years have passed since India’s worst industrial catastrophe injured 558,125 people and killed as many as 15,000. Because safety standards and maintenance procedures had been ignored at the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal, a leak of methyl isocyanate gas and other chemicals triggered a massive environmental and human disaster. Photographer Pablo Bartholomew rushed to document the catastrophe. He came across a man who was burying a child. This scene was photographed by both Pablo Bartholomew and Raghu Rai, another renowned Indian photojournalist. “This expression was so moving and so powerful to tell the whole story of the tragedy”, said Raghu Rai.
4. After the Tsunami (Arko Datta)
One of the most representative and striking photos of the aftermath of the Indian Ocean tsunami was taken by Reuters photographer Arko Datta in Tamil Nadu. He won the World Press Photo competition of 2004. Kathy Ryan, jury member and picture editor of The New York Times Magazine, characterized Datta’s image as a “graphic, historical and starkly emotional picture.”
“After the Tsunami” illustrates an Indian woman lying on the sand with her arms outstretched, mourning a dead family member. Her relative was killed by one of the deadliest natural disasters that we have ever seen: the Indian Ocean tsunami.
5. World Trade Center 9/11 (Steve Ludlum)
The power of Steve Ludlum’s photos are astounding, and the written description only tends to dilute the impact. The consequences of the second aircraft crashing into New York’s WTC were devastating: fireballs erupted and smoke billowed from the skyscrapers anticipating the towers’ collapse and monstrous dust clouds.
6. The Power of One (Oded Balilty)
In 2006, Israeli authorities ordered the evacuation of illegal outposts, such as Amona. Oded Balilty, an Israeli photographer for the Associated Press, was present when the evacuation degenerated into violent and unprecedented clashes between settlers and police officers. The picture shows a brave woman rebelling against authorities.
Like many pictures on this list, “The Power of One” has been another subject of major controversy. Ynet Nili is the 16-year-old Jewish settler from the above picture. According to Ynet, “a picture like this one is a mark of disgrace for the state of Israel and is nothing to be proud of. The picture looks like it represents a work of art, but that isn’t what went on there. What happened in Amona was totally different.” Nili claims the police beat her up very harshly. “You see me in the photograph, one against many, but that is only an illusion – behind the many stands one man – (Prime Minister Ehud) Olmert, but behind me stand the Lord and the people of Israel.”
7. After the Storm (Patrick Farrell)
Miami Herald photographer Patrick Farrell captured the harrowing images of the victims of Haiti in 2008. Farrell documented the Haitian tragedy with impressive black-and-white stills. The subject of “After the Storm” is a boy who is trying to save a stroller after the tropical storm Hanna struck Haiti.
More photos of Patrick Farrell: A People in Despair: Haiti’s year without mercy
8. Thailand Massacre (Neil Ulevich)
Neal Ulevich won the 1977 Pulitzer Prize for a “series of photographs of disorder and brutality in the streets of Bangkok, Thailand” (
The Thammasat University Massacre took place on October 6, 1976. It was a very violent attack on students who were demonstrating against Field Marshall Thanom Kittikachorn.
9. War Underfoot (Carolyn Cole)
Los Angeles Times photographer Carolyn Cole took this terrifying photo during her assignment in Liberia. It shows the devastating effects of the Liberian Civil War.
Bullet casings cover entirely a street in Monrovia. The Liberian capital was the worst affected region, because it was the scene of heavy fighting between government soldiers and rebel forces.
10. Kosovo Refugees (Carol Guzy)
Carol Guzy, the first woman to receive a Pulitzer Prize for spot news photography, received her most recent Pulitzer in 2000 for her touching photographs of Kosovo refugees.
The above picture portrays Agim Shala, a two-year-old boy, who is passed through a fence made with barbed wire to his family. Thousands of Kosovo refugees were reunited and camped in Kukes, Albania.
1. Sergio Oliva
Sergio Olivia was born on July 4, 1941 in Cuba. He won titles of 1965 Junior Mr. America – AAU, Most Muscular, 1966 Mr. World – IFBB, Overall Winner, 1966 Mr Universe – IFBB Winnera and 1985 Olympia – IFBB, 8th etc. His height is 5 feet 9 inches and has got a 20 inch arm.
2. Arnold Schwarzenegger
He is an Austrian-American professional bodybuilder, born on July 30, 1947. Arnold was the 38th governor of California and was succeeded by Jerry Brown.
3. Dorian Yates
Dorian Ytes was born on April 19, 1962 in Staffordshire, England and is known for his thickness. He won 6 Mr. Olympia titles successively. His height is 5 feet 10 inches and has got a huge arm of 20 inches.
4. Ronnie Coleman
Ronnie Coleman was born on May 13, 1964 at Louisiana. He has a extremely large arm and a perfect back muscle. He has a behemoth structure and more than 270 pounds.
5. Bill Pearl
Bill Pearl a stunning American bodybuilder, born on October 31, 1930. He was the first professional bodybuilder. Overall, he had a real huge size.
6. Reg Park
Reg Park a multitalented person was a businessman, actor and a bodybuilder at the same time, born on June 7, 1928 in West Yorkshire, England. He had 6 feet 1 inch height and behemoth arm of 20 inches.
7. Steve Reeves
Steve Reeves, great bodybuilder was born on January 21, 1926 in Montana, USA. He was also a admirable actor. He had a slender waist, broad shoulders and a thin hip and 6 feet 1 inch of height.
8. John Grimek
John Grimek was born on June 17, 1910 in New Jersey. He embodied United States in weightlifting at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin. He passed away on November, 1998 at the age of 88.
9. Flex Wheeler
Flex Wheeler was born on August 23, 1965 in California, United States. His original name is Kenneth Wheeler. He determined to become a professional bodybuilder when he was a police officer and after that he left his job. He won the first award at the NPC Mr. California Championships in 1989. Wheeler had an immense back and 17 inch arms and he was 5 feet 8 inches of height.
10. Franco Columbu
Franco Columbu an Italian actor aside from being a fabulous bodybuilder. He was born on August 17, 1941 and is. His has a standard height of 5 feet 5 inches. He prevailed to the title of Mr. Olympia in 1976 and 1981. He tried to win in the World’s Strongest Man competition as well however was not able to win the title.